Friday, April 16, 2010


unknown ipvs treasured series' HD overhaulDARK SECTOR vs MGS4?
thats...a strange comparison to say the least, two completely different game types and storylines...DARK SECTOR vs MGS4?
So in what context are you matching these up together?
Kinda an odd comparison...
have we run out of things to talk about?
Huh? I'm buying both, but I'm more interested in Dark Sector, even though that's quite an unpopular opinion. I know it won't score as high as MGS4, but I just like the look and feel more.
dark sector has no chance
Well since Dark Sector will be gimped on the PS3, hands down MGS4.
[QUOTE=''ReverseCycology'']Well since Dark Sector will be gimped on the PS3, hands down MGS4. [/QUOTE]Seriously, woah? By saying that, they're saying to PS3 owners ''Our game is worse on your console'' they'll probably lose sales from that :
|[QUOTE=''Mordred19'']have we run out of things to talk about?[/QUOTE]

kind of what i was thinking.
[QUOTE=''Mordred19'']have we run out of things to talk about?[/QUOTE] Apparently we have.
dark sector has no chance ive seen some gameplay videos and it looks no better then a game called ''Theif''
the difference between these two games is that one will suck and the other will not. guess which.
I don't know you guys but dark sector has so good looking textures.
[QUOTE=''-wii60-'']I don't know you guys but dark sector has so good looking textures.[/QUOTE] I'm buying it because the rain is pretty....Best rain effects ever in a game!
ill go with dark sector
[QUOTE=''ReverseCycology''] Well since Dark Sector will be gimped on the PS3, hands down MGS4. [/QUOTE]the multiplayer in this game will be horribly laggy probably at least on 360
As much as I rag on MGS about the cutscenes, I respect Kojima's work and will tell you on any day of the week that the production value in his games ESPECIALLY MGS 4 obliterates almost any game out there. And I say this without any shadow of a doubt.The comparison is almost an insult.
dark sector all the waayyyyy
A game that had potential prior to being turned into a generic emo TPS vs. One of the most anticipated titles of this generation...hmm.

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