Friday, April 16, 2010

I was thinking about GTA4 's DLC, and MS ...

First, I don't care what system I get it for. I'm a gamer, I just want the game already. If the graphics are better on 360, I'll get the 360 version. If it's better on PS3 version, I'll get that version. But I was thinking just now about what MS has done with the whole DLC scene, and how fanboys have been saying the 360 version is the ''complete'', or the ''definitive'' version. This isn't a rant against the 360, or DLC. I have no beef with the system, but more or less MS, and what gamers are allowing them to do.

If the PS3 isn't getting the complete game, then don't release a PS3 version. It's as simple as that. Us gamers have just allowed MS to potentally screw up a great franchise for a large number of fans. If there's one thing fanboys all have in common, it's that everyone's simply a ''fan''. Lemmings can claim that it's just buisness, but it's much more then that. If a large group of fans aren't getting the definitive game because MS simply payed for content, how can you support this and call yourself a gamer? I'm not talking about graphical differences, that's not at all part of this argument. (that's obviously based on a system's limitations. Nothing can be done about that) I'm talking about content, and/or the loss of it by choice.

A great franchise like GTA now, but what next? If MS payed for exclusive content for every game, half the audience is getting screwed over because the franchise ''sold out'' and allowed a lesser version by choice. Don't you want everyone to enjoy GTA? This isn't the same as paying for exclusive titles... That means the definitive game is only being released on one system. Gamers only have the one choice. Nothing wrong with that.

If Square announced they were releasing the next Final Fantasy on 360, but leaving out 20 hours of the gameplay because Sony payed for those exclusive hours. Almost everyone would say thats ridiculous, and boycott it. 360 would be getting a crippled version. We'll, if the PS3 isn't getting the complete definitive GTA4, what is it getting? A crippled port? But R* didn't leave anything out of the PS3 version. So again, what does that make the PS3 version? The 360's versions little brother? Going by fanboy logic, MS has just messed around with the artistic value of the game for a large majority of fans. Because in the end, the fans are what makes the game. And the last thing I want as a gamer is for the fans to get screwed. Apparently thats okay though with MS, and it's followers.

Again I'm not trying to attack lemmings, the 360, but more or less what MS has done, and how fanboys are all okay with it. I'm not trying to be a fanboy. It's just an opinion from a gamer who grew up during the Nes day, and is virtually disgusted at that what is happening to a beloved franchise, and some of it's fans.

P.S. This is a completely different issue then when consoles get a halfa$$ed ported PC game. Completely different systems, and different subjects. So no need to post ''this has been happening with PC to console games for ever dude. pwnd! /thread''. The usual crap. And the first response that says ''blog it'' should be posted right about... Now. I was thinking about GTA4 's DLC, and MS ...
Wow... this is the most inventive damage control I've seen in a while...Bottom line... PS3 players will get a ''complete'' game but not in the sence that 360 users will... 360 owners will get much much more... Again, it's the difference of buying a car that drives compared to a car with all the bells and whistles that drives...I was thinking about GTA4 's DLC, and MS ...
P.S. I just read in another thread that you are a fanboy if you think that the DLC makes 360 v. better than ps3...That may be the most simple minded garbage I have ever read and now I'm going to have to go kill a kitten...If you think that the 360 version with huge expansion DLC isn't the no brainer than you have a serious mental issue.Now, were is that kitten....
[QUOTE=''colmusterd28'']P.S. I just read in another thread that you are a fanboy if you think that the DLC makes 360 v. better than ps3...That may be the most simple minded garbage I have ever read and now I'm going to have to go kill a kitten...If you think that the 360 version with huge expansion DLC isn't the no brainer than you have a serious mental issue.Now, were is that kitten....[/QUOTE]well if you feel like spending $90 on GTA, probably more.
[QUOTE=''ski11buzz''][QUOTE=''colmusterd28'']P.S. I just read in another thread that you are a fanboy if you think that the DLC makes 360 v. better than ps3...That may be the most simple minded garbage I have ever read and now I'm going to have to go kill a kitten...If you think that the 360 version with huge expansion DLC isn't the no brainer than you have a serious mental issue.Now, were is that kitten....[/QUOTE]well if you feel like spending $90 on GTA, probably more.[/QUOTE]If you're willing to spend that much, you should mock Sony fans for GT5P and buying GT5
I there's one thing I hate about this generation it's definitley arguing about multi-plats.
Rockstar could have simply refused to create separate content for one console by saying ''no'' and cited every argument you present here. They could have said we are going to make all things accessible to all gamers. Where is their culpability in this? If you disapprove so strongly, take a stand and don't buy the PS3 version. Tell them by abstaining that you won't settle for a lesser version.I think MS is working much harder for 360 owners and they have put their money where their mouth is. A lot of money. I appreciate a business working for its customers. Sony needs to take notes in that regard.
So now expansion packs are problems now? Please.That's all the DLC is: EXPANSION PACKS. That the PS3 won't be getting.It is a more complete version. Will the DLC be needed? No. Is it cool to have **** yeah. I'm a big fan of the series and more content is always welcome.
[QUOTE=''thrones''][QUOTE=''ski11buzz''][QUOTE=''colmusterd28'']P.S. I just read in another thread that you are a fanboy if you think that the DLC makes 360 v. better than ps3...That may be the most simple minded garbage I have ever read and now I'm going to have to go kill a kitten...If you think that the 360 version with huge expansion DLC isn't the no brainer than you have a serious mental issue.Now, were is that kitten....[/QUOTE]well if you feel like spending $90 on GTA, probably more.[/QUOTE]If you're willing to spend that much, you should mock Sony fans for GT5P and buying GT5 [/QUOTE]No that's nonsense. In GT5's case you are paying for the same content TWICE.
[QUOTE=''ski11buzz''][QUOTE=''colmusterd28''] P.S. I just read in another thread that you are a fanboy if you think that the DLC makes 360 v. better than ps3...That may be the most simple minded garbage I have ever read and now I'm going to have to go kill a kitten...If you think that the 360 version with huge expansion DLC isn't the no brainer than you have a serious mental issue.Now, were is that kitten....[/QUOTE]well if you feel like spending $90 on GTA, probably more.[/QUOTE]PS3 version is going to cost $110 and you get no extra content like the 360 version. ;)
What MS has done? This is just business, and deals like this occur often.
hope MS makes profit from it
how many X360 owners don't have a harddrive for DLC?

anyway the geniuses behind GTA are going PS3 exclusive with their comming games so it evens out?

Its all about choice. The people who will be getting the inferior versions CHOSE to not purchase a 360 and a ps3 instead, they arent being punished for owning the ps3, theyre just not being rewarded for owning the 360 version
I've got a 360 so I'm in the clear. But along with having the system, and the game does not alone give you a superior version. We do afterall, have to pay for it. It is just a choice, a small incentive we get for owning, or purchasing the game for that certain system. There is no difference between the 360 or ps3, the game will be awesome on both platforms. The only difference is that when we're all done with the game, people with the 360 version have the option to purchase 20+ extra hours of new gameplay. If you say that it's ridiculous to pay for new content, or that it doesn't matter, then you are not a true GTA fan and should not buy the game. Every true GTA fan knows that more GTA is better, no if's and's or but's.
[QUOTE=''Rhubarb9'']hope MS makes profit from it
how many X360 owners don't have a harddrive for DLC?

anyway the geniuses behind GTA are going PS3 exclusive with their comming games so it evens out?
[/QUOTE]Yeah sure they are. :lol:
If you've read my other posts, you would know I'm most likely buying the 360 version. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. But when I think about it from a pure PS3 perspective, where apparently they don't get the whole game, MS is messing arund with the franchise. Is this what the future of gaming is going to be like. Paying for your system to have the whole game, while the rest get a less ''less-content'' version.
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
[QUOTE=''dr-venkman'']If you've read my other posts, you would know I'm most likely buying the 360 version. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. But when I think about it from a pure PS3 perspective, where apparently they don't get the whole game, MS is messing arund with the franchise. Is this what the future of gaming is going to be like. Paying for your system to have the whole game, while the rest get a less ''less-content'' version.[/QUOTE] This really isn't knew. Tons of games have been released on different consoles with exclusive content. And in those cases the exclusive content doesn't even cost additional money. Why does it's distribution method make a difference?
[QUOTE=''ski11buzz''][QUOTE=''colmusterd28'']P.S. I just read in another thread that you are a fanboy if you think that the DLC makes 360 v. better than ps3...That may be the most simple minded garbage I have ever read and now I'm going to have to go kill a kitten...If you think that the 360 version with huge expansion DLC isn't the no brainer than you have a serious mental issue.Now, were is that kitten....[/QUOTE]well if you feel like spending $90 on GTA, probably more.[/QUOTE] we could say the same thing about GT5P :| it true that we get free content if we buy the game the first day it comes out? i already have it pre-ordered
It will be really annoying for people who only own a PS3 and if it were up to me both systems would have the content.I really hope this doesn't happen with any other multiplats. I would hate to see Sony and MS battling for exclusive content on a multiplat.

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