Yeah man that sucks.My 360 sounds like its going to have the same problem as you soon, so i'm holding off on buying games until GTA4.I can only forgive so many times....
sounds like you're not happy anywhere, try a wii i guess.
Of the consoles MS' Xbox 360 probably has the best library around, and usually I would say that company deserves to be at top b/c it has what gamers should care most about, games.However, seeing as how I'll be getting my 4th box mailed to me some time in the next few weeks, I can't help but hope MS fails to make much of a dent in the market. They don't deserve sales imho. I still like the system, but to be perfectly honest I fed up of their incompetence to make hardware that can last.
Thats pretty frustrating man. It kills your game, and all the company does is say ''Sorry'' (If your story is true) I would've been frustrated also.
Unbelievable that must be gut wrenching, yeah my 360 ate one of my discs luckily I had played it a lot.
while i can sympathize with those who lost their 360 multiple times, i can't help but feel disconnected b/c i've been blessed with a 360 that has given me 2 solid years of trouble-free gaming.
[QUOTE=''MunkeySpunk69'']sounds like you're not happy anywhere, try a wii i guess.[/QUOTE]not trying to be rude, or a fanboy, but i wont ever buy a Wii... My opinion on the Wii is well know, as is my view of gaming as a form of entertainment compariable to books, film, and music.If you enjoy Wii gaming, then thats fine by me, myself, personally, do not like the direction Nintendo wants to take gaming, im not intrested in Nintendo brand games, and do not plan at any time on purchacing a Wii.It'd also be a huge waste of my HDTV.
i stood in line last sat and all the intention in the world of buying a ps3. i have had several months gaming at my friends on it and thought well what if i just got one. i have a pro 360 from launch and i figured why not get a system to compliment the best console i ever owned.( as far as games to play in the time its been out). so i walked up to the cashier and he loves that i wanted the ps3 over 360. then he bashes the 360 like it was a mistake to all gamers. he felt it was his responsibility to make sure i didnt buy a 360 that day. so i asked for an elite. yes that is right. out of smite, i bought a second 360. i then traded my pro in for extra accessories and 2 years of live. still cant believe how much i love the elite. i was going to get a white ps3 to match my 360. now i have to think about a black ps3. either way the only thing i found out about the ps3 that i dont like is the jaggies. yes you heard me, the jaggies. it has them even with an hdmi cord and i hate how people say they are not there. and yet play the same games on the 360 via vga and you wont see a jaggie at all. the movies look better in hdmi but the games are so clean via vga i dont think i'll be able to go back. i have googled vga vs hdmi on the elite and 99% of what i read agree's. the 360 through vga offers the cleanest lines of any console ever. even LO has 0 jaggies. thats right. ME, gears, COD4 all without any jaggies. at my friends house who owns the same tv, his ps3 shows it has a problem with kepping lines smooth. what you should of did was get the elite for now. and a ps3 when gt5 and mgs4 come out. that way you had the best sytems of both companies. plus the elite is quite now. mine was made on 1-8-08. and is at least 5x's more silent than my launch pro was.
geez thats a tough call dude, you think you may have overreacted just a little - but i understand the frustration you know every time i switch on my 360 i get this feeling of looming doom and i ask myself could this be the day it all goes to hell - but i had mine for over year now and no problems so i dunno - but, SHAME on microsoft for creating such a great gaming machine with the best next gen console libary but using second grade parts and design -but BILL don't care he knows were all suckers for great games- hope the ps3 picks up soon though - a future microsoft gaming monopoly would spell dark days for gaming
Yea, as much as i like my 360, it sucks for reliability. I plan on buying a PS3 too, for when the next time my 360 breaks.
I got a service plan for my 360 before I ever heard the words RROD so I hope everything is covered including the disc drive. I've had RROD once and I hope it never happens again. The hardware problems suck and I don't know what the hell they are doing to fix them if anything. My brothers haven't had a problem with their 360's but they don't use them nearly as much. Anyway...they need to come out with a total redesign or have somebody like Toshiba or Panasonic make them with a blu-ray player so we don't have to worry about this nonsense.
[QUOTE=''poopiVONpoo'']geez thats a tough call dude, you think you may have overreacted just a little - but i understand the frustration you know every time i switch on my 360 i get this feeling of looming doom and i ask myself could this be the day it all goes to hell - but i had mine for over year now and no problems so i dunno - but, SHAME on microsoft for creating such a great gaming machine with the best next gen console libary but using second grade parts and design -but BILL don't care he knows were all suckers for great games- hope the ps3 picks up soon though - a future microsoft gaming monopoly would spell dark days for gaming [/QUOTE]thats the truth.i never paid any mind to the rrod issue till it hit me the first time back september. when i got my replacement i was alway paranoid about it failing, and feeling the back to see it it felt too hot.maybe i did overreact, but i was so angry, it was all i could do not to curse out the customer service lady on the phone.... i mean, after i explained the 360 had failed for the second time, and destoyed my disc of a game that i had enjoyed so much, she just said ''sorry'' and ''How would you like to PAY so we can ship you your repair box''i dont know... im feeling really down in the dumps right now.
That sucks man and I feel your pain. Hopefully when things pick up on the PS3 side of things you'll get some gaming done..It is a good machine....I'm also annoyed at MS for not properly straightening out this mess, but I have a 2 year replacement warranty from the store I bought it from so thankfully I don't have to deal with MS yet if something goes wrong. As was stated earlier there are some great games out for the system but it does not excuse the fact that the hardware is garbage.
Cost of 2 360s isn't worth NG2 , I mean one was but two? No way. I don't get anything repaired for free because of shipping so I'm not putting out anymore money on such an inreliable system. I might consider getting one back when they fix this nonsense. For now I have to live with the Wii, and eventually the PS3.
Why didn't you just overheat it or something? :?
[QUOTE=''-RPGamer-'']Of the consoles MS' Xbox 360 probably has the best library around, and usually I would say that company deserves to be at top b/c it has what gamers should care most about, games.However, seeing as how I'll be getting my 4th box mailed to me some time in the next few weeks, I can't help but hope MS fails to make much of a dent in the market. They don't deserve sales imho. I still like the system, but to be perfectly honest I fed up of their incompetence to make hardware that can last.[/QUOTE]It's a real shame, my Xbox still works fine yet I've had my Xbox 360 give up on me 3 times. If it breaks again, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that they're not doing anything to fix the old consoles. I just got mine back mid January of this year, so there's no excuse for it to break again.
[QUOTE=''yellowandmushy'']Why didn't you just overheat it or something? :?[/QUOTE]They gave me a check list of all the things wrong with my 360 when I got the box, I just checked almost everything to cover my bases. Seriously, screw them.
[QUOTE=''evilross''] After hooking up the PS3, and sitting there with a super lightweight controller (the thing feels like a cheap kids watergun), [/QUOTE]I know thats what I hated about the sixaxis controller. Im hoping the DS3 will be a little heavier and wont feal so cheaply made. I will be getting one as soon as it come out.
Even though I am a hermit, I feel sincerally bad for you TC. I hope this kind of mess will never ever happen to me. Good luck with your ps3
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